

This task was designed for 9th-12th graders in Algebra 2 to understand the concept of extraneous solutions and the intersection of a radical equation with a linear equation. The task was used to introduce the idea of extraneous solutions. Students already knew how to solve a system of equations. Students struggled to see that not all solutions found algebraically worked but could recognize graphically that there was only one solution. The task required them to defend someone’s solution.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_RadicalEquations_Worksheet_Construct_SolvingRadicalEquations

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_RadicalEquations_Worksheet_Construct_SolvingRadicalEquations


This worksheet is designed for algebra students. Students are given two tables and told that one represents a linear relationship and the other represents an exponential relationship. Students must decide which table represents which relationship and construct an argument to convince other students. Students may create equations to represent the functions, or provide visuals to aid in the explanantion; the argument is not given a set structure.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_LE_Models_Worksheet_Construct

PDF version: 912Algebra_LE_Models_Worksheet_Construct


Algebra students are asked to use their knowledge of exponent rules to critique two student answers. Students must identify a solution they agree with and construct an argument using sentence starters that contain argumentation language. The exponential expression involves the quotient rule, product rule, and negative exponents rule. The task then asks students to justify their selection and critique by using mathematical language and argumentation and supplies a checklist to remind students to provide a claim, evidence, and warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_SSE_Exponents_Worksheet_ConstructCritique

PDF version: 912Algebra_SSE_Exponents_Worksheet_ConstructCritique


Algebra students are to use their knowledge of linear functions to critique two student responses and construct their own solutions. Students are shown a pattern of the number of leaves falling per day and two responses stating the pattern and predicting the amount of leaves that will fall the next day. Argumentation language is present as students must agree or disagree with the responses, create a claim, and indicate any mistakes made. A response sheet is provided with sentence starters to reinforce the argument.

Microsoft  Word version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_FallingLeaves

PDF version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_FallingLeaves


This task has algebra students investigate how the distributive property works without giving the student the rule of distribution. Students must compare two different number rules involving both addition and multiplication and construct an argument as to why both rules generate the same number. The task provides an outline for a student response. The task does provide space for students to make a claim and it asks followup questions that allow students to explain the claim.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_SSE_LinearExpressions_Worksheet_Construct_TheNumberTrick

PDF version: 912Algebra_SSE_LinearExpressions_Worksheet_Construct_TheNumberTrick


Multi-Step Equations is created for algebra students studying linear equations. Students are given a multi-step linear equation, involving addition and division, and must critique the three solutions provided. In paragraph sentence starters, students are must create a claim and an argument as to why the student responses are correct or incorrect. Argumentative language is used through the sentence starters and questions by asking students to defend a claim and provide evidence to explain mistakes.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_Multi-StepEquations

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_Multi-StepEquations


Algebra students are asked to construct multiple equations given rates and flat fees. Students must interpret the problem in order to identify parts of an equation. The task is scaffolded by presenting multiple scenarios separately then combining equations using subtraction. Students must critique student work of combining equations using subtraction by using knowledge of combining like terms and the distributive property. A graphic organizer is provided for students to create an argument using a claim.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_ThePizzaProblem

PDF version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_ThePizzaProblem


This task was used with 11th and 12th grade students in Algebra 2. The objective is for students to determine if an equation is that of a quadratic function. Students are presented with two scenarios and asked to construct and critique a mathematical argument.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_LE_Quadratic_Worksheet_ConstructCritique

PDF version: 912Algebra_LE_Quadratic_Worksheet_ConstructCritique

Gr 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

I used this task to continue our 5th grade discussion about multiplying fractions. Prior to this talk frame, our class discussed the difference between multiplying whole numbers and multiplying fractions, and explored why fractions multiplied together result in a fraction that contains smaller pieces. Students struggled with the deeper conceptual understanding of why, and this talk frame supported that discussion.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

Gr 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_BriefArgument_Construct

This task was designed for 6th graders working on condensing their writing to make their argument completely and quickly. The content is scaling figures, using proportional reasoning to prove similarity. Students who struggled with mulitiplying decimals struggled to find a multiplier. Students also struggled with providing sufficient reasoning in the brief space.

Microsoft Word version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_BriefArgument_Construct

PDF version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_BriefArgument_Construct