Author: Tutita Casa

Gr 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

This task is designed for fourth grade students learning about how to classify odd and prime numbers. Students are asked to critique a statement made by a student regarding odd and prime numbers. The task addresses a common misconception that all odd numbers are also prime numbers. Students are asked to use diagrams to help support answers and also provide a counter example in order to prove a statement is false.

Microsoft Word version: 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

Gr 4_OA_Multiplication_ArgumentFrame_Construct

Fourth graders are given this word problem to understand multiplication, though division can be used. This task is formatted as a graphic organizer, with a space for the problem, mathematical practice and vocabulary, claim, evidence, and warrants. Students are to use the graphic organizer to formulate their thoughts and construct an argument to complete the problem.

Microsoft Word version: 4_OA_Multiplication_ArgumentFrame_Construct

PDF version: 4_OA_Multiplication_ArgumentFrame_Construct

Gr 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_RunningARace

Running a Race is a task designed for fourth graders working on multiplying fractions by a whole number. The task is an application problem that asks students to compare which answer will be larger. Skills necessary to complete this task sufficiently may include multiplying a fraction by a whole number, finding common denominators, and comparing fractions. Students are asked to make a claim and support it with an explanation.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_RunningARace

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_RunningARace

Gr 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_Lemonade

Lemonade is a task for fourth-grade students learning how to multiply fractions, specifically a mixed number in this problem. Two responses are given as to how many lemons are needed, but no work is shown as to how an answer was determined. Through argumentative language, students are asked to critique given responses, provide evidence, and explain their thinking.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_Lemonade

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_Lemonade

Gr 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_HeightOfSunflowers

This task was used with fourth graders to develop reasoning skills with multiplication of a fraction and a whole number. It also requires students to solve a two-step problem by comparing their solution to data given in the problem.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_HeightOfSunflowers

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_HeightOfSunflowers

Gr 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_ComparingProducts

This task was used with fourth graders. It requires students to understand the meaning of multiplication in relation to the value of the factors. The task emphasizes fractional number sense and the relationship of a fraction to 1.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_ComparingProducts

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_ComparingProducts

Gr 4_NF_FractionsEquivalence_Problem_Critique_AgreeingOrDisagreeingWithSally

Agreeing or Disagreeing with Sally is a task designed for fourth graders working on fraction fluency. Students are asked to compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators. Students must critique an argument that states that two fractions are equivalent by agreeing or disagreeing and explaining the decision. The task will also allow students to demonstrate ability to create equivalent fractions.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsEquivalence_Problem_Critique_AgreeingOrDisagreeingWithSally

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsEquivalence_Problem_Critique_AgreeingOrDisagreeingWithSally

Gr 4_NF_FractionsDecimals_Problem_Construct

Students were able to come up with more than one way to solve the problem and then compare the work of other students. The task also allowed students to argue about the reasoning of others.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsDecimals_Problem_Construct

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsDecimals_Problem_Construct

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Gr 4_NF_FractionsComparing_Problem_Critique_RunningOutOfGasoline

Running Out of Gasoline is task designed for fourth graders comprehending how to compare fractions. Students are given the amount of gas left in two different car tanks as a fraction with different numerators and denominators. The task is scaffolded through multiple questions that contain argumentative language asking the students to break apart the fractions, use equivalent fractions, and ultimately critique a response and provide justification.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsComparing_Problem_Critique_RunningOutOfGasoline

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsComparing_Problem_Critique_RunningOutOfGasoline

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Gr 4_NF_FractionsComparing_Problem_Critique_WhoAteMore

I used this task in the beginning of the school year with 6th graders who were struggling with fractions. I had 2 main objectives for this task. One was to give students more practice with equivalent fractions, and two was to introduce the Talk Frame to the students.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsComparing_Problem_Critique_WhoAteMore

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsComparing_Problem_Critique_WhoAteMore

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