
Gr 5_OA_PropertyOddEvenSums_ThinkPairShare_Critique

This task is a think-pair-share activity designed for fifth graders learning about properties of numbers, specifically odd numbers. Students are given a statement about odd numbers and must determine whether they agree or disagree with the statement. A template is given for students to make a claim and provide an argument to back the claim. Students must then consult with a partner and compare arguments. Students will use knowledge of the properties of both odd and even numbers.

Microsoft Word version: 5_OA_PropertyOddEvenSums_ThinkPairShare_Critique

PDF version: 5_OA_PropertyOddEvenSums_ThinkPairShare_Critique

Gr 5_OA_PropertyAssociative_Problem_Critique

This task is a multi-digit multiplication problem addressing the associative property for fifth-grade students. Students are given the statement 22 x (36 x 5) = (22 x 36) x 5, and after examining both expressions, are given two questions to critique. Scaffolded questions are provided with argumentation language to break down the problem and address the associative property.

Microsoft Word version: 5_OA_PropertyAssociative_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 5_OA_PropertyAssociative_Problem_Critique

Gr 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

This task is designed for fourth grade students learning about how to classify odd and prime numbers. Students are asked to critique a statement made by a student regarding odd and prime numbers. The task addresses a common misconception that all odd numbers are also prime numbers. Students are asked to use diagrams to help support answers and also provide a counter example in order to prove a statement is false.

Microsoft Word version: 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

Gr 3_OA_PropertyCommutativeAddition_ThinkPairShare_Construct

This think-pair-share task is provided for third-grade students to understand the commutative property for addition. Using a statement with single-digit numbers, students must construct an argument on whether the true statement is correct and share their ideas with a partner. A graphic organizer is provided to help students create their claim and evidence, as well as record their partner’s ideas and any similarities/differences.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_PropertyCommutativeAddition_ThinkPairShare_Construct

PDF version: 3_OA_PropertyCommutativeAddition_ThinkPairShare_Construct

Gr 3_OA_MultiplicationPropertyCommutative_Problem_Construct_SameOrDifferent

Third graders are developing an understanding of the commutative property through single-digit multiplication in Same of Different?. Students are asked if two rectangles are the same given reverse length and width measurements. Argumentation language is present when asking students to explain their thinking using claim, evidence, and warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_MultiplicationPropertyCommutative_Problem_Construct_SameOrDifferent

PDF version: 3_OA_MultiplicationPropertyCommutative_Problem_Construct_SameOrDifferent

Gr 2_NBT_PropertyOddEven_Problem_Critique

Second graders are given a number to determine if it is odd or even. Many begin to look at the first digit of the number to determine if it is odd or even. I have students use a tool, most will choose counters to see if they can divide the number evenly.

Microsoft Word version: 2_NBT_PropertyOddEven_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 2_NBT_PropertyOddEven_Problem_Critique