
Gr 5_OA_AdditionCombinations_Problem_Construct_GettingThere

Getting There is a problem created for fifth graders on adding numbers in different combinations. Students are given a distance a frog hops in three hops and a set of questions asking them about three numbers that will add up to the distance. The task provides a variation to include more argumentation language, specifically to explain their thinking, as they construct a response.

Microsoft Word version: 5_OA_AdditionCombinations_Problem_Construct_GettingThere

PDF version: 5_OA_AdditionCombinations_Problem_Construct_GettingThere

Gr 5_NF_FractionsAdditionComparing_Problem_Critique_FillingUpOnApples

Filling up on Apples is a problem created for fifth graders on fraction addition and comparing fractions. In the task, two people eat multiple fraction amounts of apples and students are to use equivalent fractions and knowledge of fraction addition to determine how many apples were eaten. Scaffolding is used to break down the fractions and allow students to work on the problem one step at a time. Students are asked, through argumentation language, to critique the response on who ate more apples and show justification.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsAdditionComparing_Problem_Critique_FillingUpOnApples

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsAdditionComparing_Problem_Critique_FillingUpOnApples

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Gr 5_NF_FractionsAdditionComparing_Problem_Critique_EatingPies

I used this task in my 5th grade classroom. It involves adding three fractions with unlike denominators. When the fractions are added, the sum is greater than one. The students also need to compare two mixed numbers to decide which mixed number is greater. The task requires them to decide who ate the most pie based on their comparison of two mixed numbers.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsAdditionComparing_Problem_Critique_EatingPies

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsAdditionComparing_Problem_Critique_EatingPies

Gr 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_StuffedWithPizza

Stuffed with Pizza is a problem created for fifth graders on fraction addition. In the task, two people eat multiple fraction amounts of pizza and students are to use equivalent fractions and knowledge of fraction addition to determine how much pizza was eaten. Scaffolding is used to break down the fractions and lead up to the final question, which contains argumentative language as it asks students to critique the given response on who ate more pizza.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_StuffedWithPizza

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_StuffedWithPizza

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Gr 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_LotsOfPizza

Lots of Pizza is a task in which fifth grade students must critique student responses to how much pizza was eaten by adding fractions of the whole. Students must be able to add three fractions with different denominators and determine if the value is equivalent to the addition of two fractions with different denominators. The task asks students to agree or disagree with student claims and explain reasoning.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_LotsOfPizza

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_LotsOfPizza

Gr 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_FriendsWhoRun

Friends Who Run is a fraction addition problem designed for fifth grade. Students are given two people whose runs in a day are represented as fractions and are asked to mark distances on a number line, find the total number of miles run per person, and determine the difference between the two distances. Argumentation language is used, as well as scaffolding, to invoke the use of a claim and evidence in the critiquing the problem.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_FriendsWhoRun

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Critique_FriendsWhoRun

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Gr 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Construct

This task is designed for fifth graders working on fraction fluency. Students must know the vocabulary term “sum” and be able to add fractions, as they are asked to find the sum of two fractions with different denominators. Students must be able to determine if the fraction is closer to a half or whole by rounding, as well. Finding common denominators, creating equivalent fractions, and adding fractions are all skills necessary to complete this task. The problem allows space to solve as well as lines to justify a critique of student work.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Construct

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsAddition_Problem_Construct

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Gr 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_WordProblem_Construct

This task is a set of addition and subtraction word problems with three follow up questions created for third graders. Double-digits are used in the word problems and students must decide for themselves when to use addition or subtraction through the construction of the responses. The follow up questions contain argumentative language and ask students to describe how they solved the problem, the warrants behind it, and a claim and evidence pertaining to a partner’s strategy.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_WordProblem_Construct

PDF version: 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_WordProblem_Construct

Gr 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_TalkFrame_Critique

This task is geared towards third graders. The task states a problem asking for the difference between two quantities and asks students to crititque two statements about the problem: Is finding the difference an addition or subtraction problem? Students are provided space to think about the problem, make a claim, and provide evidence. This task could start a class discussion about how students might think differently about subtraction problems. Some students may state that this is subtraction because one can subtract the two quantities to find a difference while other students may look at this as an addition problem by looking at how much must be added to one quantity to get to the next.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_TalkFrame_Critique

PDF version: 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_TalkFrame_Critique

Gr 3_OA_PropertyCommutativeAddition_ThinkPairShare_Construct

This think-pair-share task is provided for third-grade students to understand the commutative property for addition. Using a statement with single-digit numbers, students must construct an argument on whether the true statement is correct and share their ideas with a partner. A graphic organizer is provided to help students create their claim and evidence, as well as record their partner’s ideas and any similarities/differences.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_PropertyCommutativeAddition_ThinkPairShare_Construct

PDF version: 3_OA_PropertyCommutativeAddition_ThinkPairShare_Construct