Talk Frame


A template of the talk frame was used to plan a lesson for algebra students studying functions. The emphasis is on the connection between mapping and graphing ordered pairs to determine if they create a function. Students are given a problem in which they must critique a suggested answer and create a mathematical argument.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_IF_Functions_TalkFrame

PDF version: 912Algebra_IF_Functions_TalkFrame


This is a blank talk frame that teachers can use to develop lesson plans and discussions. The talk frame nicely sets up classroom discussions in which students will take different sides of an argument and discuss different methods for solving problems. The talk frame provides a space for a guiding question or math problem that the lesson will be focused on, three spaces for different student responses or methods of thinking about the guiding question, and a section to outline the major points that you wish for students to take away from a lesson.

Microsoft Word version: GraphicOrganizer_TalkFrameWorksheetTemplate1

PDF version: GraphicOrganizer_TalkFrameWorksheetTemplate1


This second template of a talk frame is directed at students of any age. The first page has blank space for a Talk About and We Understand section, with directions as to what belongs in each section. The second page provides a space for a Think and Talk idea section, where students can record the claim and possible ideas.

Microsoft Word version: GraphicOrganizer_TalkFrameWorksheetTemplate2

PDF version: GraphicOrganizer_TalkFrameWorksheetTemplate2


A template of the talk frame is used to discover the meaning of a mathematical argument. The Think section holds a restated version of the question, the Talk Ideas section contains anticipated student responses and ideas, and the We Understand section clarifies what a mathematical argument entails. Students are asked to relate an argument they have with a peer to having a mathematical argument in order to determine the definition of a mathematical argument.

Microsoft Word version: IntroductionToArgumentation_TalkFrame

PDF version: IntroductionToArgumentation_TalkFrame

Gr 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_TalkFrame_Critique

This task is geared towards third graders. The task states a problem asking for the difference between two quantities and asks students to crititque two statements about the problem: Is finding the difference an addition or subtraction problem? Students are provided space to think about the problem, make a claim, and provide evidence. This task could start a class discussion about how students might think differently about subtraction problems. Some students may state that this is subtraction because one can subtract the two quantities to find a difference while other students may look at this as an addition problem by looking at how much must be added to one quantity to get to the next.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_TalkFrame_Critique

PDF version: 3_OA_SubtractionAddition_TalkFrame_Critique