Author: Tutita Casa


This is a tool for teachers to use when providing feedback to students about mathematical argumentation. This is used when students need to revise and refine math arguments. It provides specific scaffolds for students. I feel this is a helpful tool because it helps target feedback and gives students a way to revise their arguments.

Microsoft Word version: AllGrades_Assessment_TheStarsAndStairsOfEffectiveFeedback

PDF version: AllGrades_Assessment_TheStarsAndStairsOfEffectiveFeedback

Gr 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

I used this task to continue our 5th grade discussion about multiplying fractions. Prior to this talk frame, our class discussed the difference between multiplying whole numbers and multiplying fractions, and explored why fractions multiplied together result in a fraction that contains smaller pieces. Students struggled with the deeper conceptual understanding of why, and this talk frame supported that discussion.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

Gr 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_Problem_Critique_WhichIsSweeter

We used this task for sixth graders. The objective was for students to use proportional thinking to reason out which recipe was more concentrated. Students selected one of two solutions in order to state a claim, provide evidence and state a warrant. Many students would find a common denominator in order to demonstrate a higher value ratio of corn syrup to water or total amount (sweeter) or lower value (less sweet). Students might also show how one mixture is sweeter with visual representations such as circles or a drawing of a pitcher with labeled portions.

Microsoft Word version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_Problem_Critique_WhichIsSweeter

PDF version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_Problem_Critique_WhichIsSweeter

Gr 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_Problem_Critique_CarlylesPlants

I used this task with a group of 5 students that I selected for my evaluation. When I started with this group in mid/late January they were chosen by the teacher and myself to receive intervention as well. This year the students were learning about ratios and proportions. I tried to build their understanding of ratios by doing Number Talks before giving them this particular task. The students were required to use a rubric I found on the Exemplars website to help guide them in solving and writing an argument for this problem. The students were instructed to use more than one model to solve this task

Microsoft Word version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_Problem_Critique_CarlylesPlants

PDF version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_Problem_Critique_CarlylesPlants

Gr 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_BriefArgument_Construct

This task was designed for 6th graders working on condensing their writing to make their argument completely and quickly. The content is scaling figures, using proportional reasoning to prove similarity. Students who struggled with mulitiplying decimals struggled to find a multiplier. Students also struggled with providing sufficient reasoning in the brief space.

Microsoft Word version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_BriefArgument_Construct

PDF version: 6_RP_ProportionalReasoning_BriefArgument_Construct

Gr 6_RP_Percents_Problem_Critique_WaterSportsSurvey

Water Sports Survey is a task developed for sixth grade students working on percents and interpretations of statistics. Students are given a table that displays two sets of data. Students must critique an interpretation made by a student. The interpretation focuses on a common misunderstanding made when looking at statistics: students often neglect to think about the whole, and instead automatically think that a larger percent means more people. Students must agree or disagree with the interpretation and justify the answer.

Microsoft Word version: 6_RP_Percents_Problem_Critique_WaterSportsSurvey

PDF version: 6_RP_Percents_Problem_Critique_WaterSportsSurvey

Gr 6_NS_FractionsDivision_Problem_Critique

This problem was used by students after working visually and conceptually to explain division with fractions. They use this problem as a transition to dividing fractions using the mulitplicative inverse. Students benefitted from constructing a diagram that showed the fence sections. Constructing the diagram on graph paper, using 20 squares for the length helped students divide equally and find the fraction they needed. Explaining the connections between the diagram and the equation are very important for constructing the argument.

Microsoft Word version: 6_NS_FractionsDivision_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 6_NS_FractionsDivision_Problem_Critique

Gr 6_EE_ExpressionsSimplifying_ArgumentFrame_Critique

We used this task for sixth graders later in the year after working with argumentation for several months. As students became proficient with providing evidence and warrants for their own arguments, we transitioned to explaining others’ reasoning. This task required students to provide warrants to explain the evidence provided. Students needed to understand the distributive property, commutative property, and how to simplify equations. Some struggled with explaining why each step was “warranted.”

Microsoft Word version: 6_EE_ExpressionsSimplifying_ArgumentFrame_Critique

PDF version: 6_EE_ExpressionsSimplifying_ArgumentFrame_Critique