
Gr 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_BreakingApartACandyBar

In Breaking Apart a Candy Bar, fifth-grade students are given a problem on fractions. Students are asked if they agree that when four equal sections are split equally in half, then there are eight equal sections. Students must critique the given response and create a claim and provide evidence as to why they agree or disagree.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_BreakingApartACandyBar

PDF version: 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_BreakingApartACandyBar

Gr 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Construct_IllustrativeMathematics

This is a task from Illustrative Mathematics. The students constructed an argument that described how they found equivalent fractions. The directions for this task were slightly modified for my fifth grade students. My fifth grade students we asked to come up with no more than six equivalent fractions for each of the diagrams on part b. Beyond what is already stated this task also met CSSSM:CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.A.1:

Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b)
by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and
size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are
the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Construct_IllustrativeMathematics

PDF version: 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Construct_IllustrativeMathematics

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Gr 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Construct_BirthdayBalloons

Birthday Balloons is a problem created for fifth graders to explore fractions. At a party, each guest takes a different proportion of remaining balloons until only a few are left. Students are to determine a way to find the original amount of balloons and construct an argumentative response.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Construct_BirthdayBalloons

PDF version: 5_NF_Fractions_Problem_Construct_BirthdayBalloons

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Gr 5_NBT_DecimalsOrdering_Problem_Critique_BattingOrders

Batting Orders is a task designed for fifth graders developing skills with decimals. Students must critique a student response that has to order three decimals from least to greatest. The decimals all go to thousandths place value. Students must be able to compare the decimals and order them. The task uses argumentation language by asking students to state a claim and consider warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NBT_DecimalsOrdering_Problem_Critique_BattingOrders

PDF version: 5_NBT_DecimalsOrdering_Problem_Critique_BattingOrders

Gr 5_NBT_DecimalsRounding_Problem_Critique_DifferentIdeas

Different Ideas is a problem designed for fifth-grade students to understand rounding decimals to the nearest hundredth. Two responses are given as to what a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth is and students are to critique the response and choose a side. The task uses argumentation language when specifically asking for the claim and evidence.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NBT_DecimalsRounding_Problem_Critique_DifferentIdeas

PDF version: 5_NBT_DecimalsRounding_Problem_Critique_DifferentIdeas

Gr 5_NBT_DecimalsEquivalence_Problem_Critique

This task is designed for fifth graders and uses a visual picture of a 100% block. It asks students to critique two student responses that state how much of the block is shaded. Each student takes a different approach, but essentially states equivalent answers. One student looks at all of the pieces individually, as 23 ones, and the other student looks at the pieces like place values, as 2 tens and 3 ones. Students must recognize that these are two different ways to arrive at the same answer. Students are asked to draw pictures and use words to explain how the two students came about the answer in different ways.This task is an excellent example of how students may use different interpretations and methods to solve the same problem.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NBT_DecimalsEquivalence_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 5_NBT_DecimalsEquivalence_Problem_Critique

Gr 5_MD_MeasurementAreaVolume_Problem_Critique

This argumentation problem was designed for fifth graders understanding measurement and the relationship between area and volume. Students are given a visual representation of a floor plan, as well as the area and volume, and must critique the reasoning of the given response by investigating if the floor plan will always have the equal area and volume. This task provides a modification to simplify what is being asked of the students and contains argumentation language when asking students to create a claim, state evidence, and work through misconceptions.

Microsoft Word version: 5_MD_MeasurementAreaVolume_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 5_MD_MeasurementAreaVolume_Problem_Critique

Gr 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

This task is designed for fourth grade students learning about how to classify odd and prime numbers. Students are asked to critique a statement made by a student regarding odd and prime numbers. The task addresses a common misconception that all odd numbers are also prime numbers. Students are asked to use diagrams to help support answers and also provide a counter example in order to prove a statement is false.

Microsoft Word version: 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 4_OA_PropertyPrimeNumbers_Problem_Critique

Gr 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_RunningARace

Running a Race is a task designed for fourth graders working on multiplying fractions by a whole number. The task is an application problem that asks students to compare which answer will be larger. Skills necessary to complete this task sufficiently may include multiplying a fraction by a whole number, finding common denominators, and comparing fractions. Students are asked to make a claim and support it with an explanation.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_RunningARace

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_RunningARace

Gr 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_Lemonade

Lemonade is a task for fourth-grade students learning how to multiply fractions, specifically a mixed number in this problem. Two responses are given as to how many lemons are needed, but no work is shown as to how an answer was determined. Through argumentative language, students are asked to critique given responses, provide evidence, and explain their thinking.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_Lemonade

PDF version: 4_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Critique_Lemonade