
Gr 4_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_CarlosThoughts

Carlos’ Thoughts is a task created for fourth graders working on fractions. The task asks students to crtique a comparison of a mixed number to an improper fraction. The task uses argumentation language including claim, evidence and warrant. This task gets at a common error in reading mixed numbers versus improper fractions in which students see a whole number in front of a fraction and assume it is larger than the improper fraction. The task may also display a student’s ability to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_CarlosThoughts

PDF version: 4_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_CarlosThoughts

Gr 4_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_AShadedRectangle

A Shaded Rectangle is a fractions problem involving a picture for fourth graders. Students are given a rectangle divided into sections, with some sections shaded, and a given student response stating how much of the rectangle is shaded. Argumentation language is used when asking students to critique the response, create a claim, and explain their thinking on whether the student response is correct.

Microsoft Word version: 4_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_AShadedRectangle

PDF version: 4_NF_Fractions_Problem_Critique_AShadedRectangle

Gr 3_OA_SubtractionMultiDigitAlgorithm_Problem_Critique_1

I used this task with my 3rd grade students. The purpose of this task was to notice how to use regrouping when subtracting. I wanted students to recognize and understand when it is appropriate to regroup when subtracting. The students were given 2 different answers for the same subtraction problem. The student had to decide which answer was correct. The student had a place to include their claim and argument, as well as have time to discuss with a partner and record their partner’s thoughts.

Gr 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Critique

This task is designed for third grade studenrs learning applications of single digit multiplication. Students are given an application along with a student response and asked to critique the student response. The task uses argumentation language by first asking students to solve the problem, then having students state a claim and provide evidence to support the claim. The task provides space for each piece of the argument.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Critique

Gr 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Critique_ArtSupplies

In Art Supplies, third graders are given a single-digit multiplication word problem. Students must critique the two given responses, which address the misconception that the number of boxes and the amount in each box should be added together and not multiplied. A graphic organizer is provided and contains argumentative language to help students create their claim and provide evidence and warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Critique_ArtSupplies

PDF version: 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Critique_ArtSupplies

Gr 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Construct_IceCreamSundaes

Ice Cream Sundaes is geared towards third graders developing multiplication skills. This task asks students to find the total number of possible combinations of two separate entities. Students must construct an argument and are given space to provide work and space to explain thinking. This problem can open the class to conversations about methods to solve the problem because students can do the math (single digit multiplication), draw pictures, or create a diagram.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Construct_IceCreamSundaes

PDF version: 3_OA_MultiplicationSingleDigit_Problem_Construct_IceCreamSundaes

Gr 3_OA_MultiplicationPropertyCommutative_Problem_Construct_SameOrDifferent

Third graders are developing an understanding of the commutative property through single-digit multiplication in Same of Different?. Students are asked if two rectangles are the same given reverse length and width measurements. Argumentation language is present when asking students to explain their thinking using claim, evidence, and warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_MultiplicationPropertyCommutative_Problem_Construct_SameOrDifferent

PDF version: 3_OA_MultiplicationPropertyCommutative_Problem_Construct_SameOrDifferent

Gr 3_OA_Multiplication_Problem_Critique_PizzaParty

Pizza Party is a task designed for third grade students working on multiplication. Students must use multiplication to determine how many pizzas to order, knowing how many slices are needed. Ultimately, a comparison must be made between the operations of 4×8, 3×10, and 2×16. The task is a multiple step problem in which students must critique the answers of two people and decide with whom to agree.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_Multiplication_Problem_Critique_PizzaParty

PDF version: 3_OA_Multiplication_Problem_Critique_PizzaParty

Gr 3_OA_EstimationAddition_Problem_Construct

I used this task with my 3rd grade students. Students had been previously introduced to rounding numbers. This task was part of the introduction to estimation. In order to make a claim, students had to first round the numbers, and then add the rounded numbers to find the estimate. The task required students to state a claim and argument, as well as include what their partner said.

Microsoft Word version: 3_OA_EstimationAddition_Problem_Construct

PDF version: 3_OA_EstimationAddition_Problem_Construct