

This rubric was developed by a team of teachers with significant revisions from experience using it with student work. It was extremely beneficial for us to learn the components of arguments. It also helped us define how students could develop and improve their work. This work was important, but now that we are done with it, we will use a shorter and simpler rubric for our continuing work.

Microsoft Word version: Rubric_ArgumentationRubric1

PDF version: Rubric_ArgumentationRubric1


This argumentation rubric is a matrix rubric that grades students on a 1-2-3 scale in the categories of claim, evidence, warrant, precision of the language used the argument, and having all 3 components in the argument. The rubric ends up being out of 15 total points, and hits on all of the key parts of an argument.The rubric is strong in that it will allow students to see which part of their argument needs improvement, and which part they are succeeding with.

Microsoft Word version: Rubric_ArgumentationRubric2

PDF version: Rubric_ArgumentationRubric2


Exemplars Rubrics offer both a student rubric and a teacher rubric. Each rubric is based on standards, rather than specifically pertaining to an activity. Students are graded on problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representations. In each category, students will be graded as a novice, apprentice, practitioner, or expert. There is no number score associated with these rubrics, but a number score could easily be added. Having students fill out their own rubrics encourages them to take ownership of their progress.

Microsoft Word version: Rubric_Exemplars

PDF version: Rubric_Exemplars

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This rubric was created to be used with grades 4 and 5 teachers and students. It was modeled after existing rubrics found online to support MP3. The main objective of the rubric was twofold: 1) for teachers to clarify what they were searching for and listening for when evaluating students’ mathematical arguments and 2) for students to understand the components needed to develop a strong mathematical argument. This version of the rubric was to be used to evaluate oral arguments. A modified version of the rubric without the last column (Listening to and Communicating about others’ Thinking) was created to assess written arguments. —- Comment: Grade 5 found that the rubric was a bit cumbersome to assess initial written arguments.

Microsoft Word version: Rubric_MyMathArgumentationRubric

PDF version: Rubric_MyMathArgumentationRubric

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This argumentation rubric is a matrix rubric that grades students on a 0-1-2-3 scale in the categories of claim, evidence, warrant, and the mechanics of the argument. Each section has a well written description of what is being graded, as well as an example of what it might look like. For example, there is a rubric section for claim, so it says what a claim is and provides an example.The examples provide students with a reference as to how their argument might be able to improve next time.

Microsoft Word version: Rubric_WrittenMathematicalArgumentationRubric

PDF version: Rubric_WrittenMathematicalArgumentationRubric


This is a tool for teachers to use when providing feedback to students about mathematical argumentation. This is used when students need to revise and refine math arguments. It provides specific scaffolds for students. I feel this is a helpful tool because it helps target feedback and gives students a way to revise their arguments.

Microsoft Word version: AllGrades_Assessment_TheStarsAndStairsOfEffectiveFeedback

PDF version: AllGrades_Assessment_TheStarsAndStairsOfEffectiveFeedback

Gr 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

I used this task to continue our 5th grade discussion about multiplying fractions. Prior to this talk frame, our class discussed the difference between multiplying whole numbers and multiplying fractions, and explored why fractions multiplied together result in a fraction that contains smaller pieces. Students struggled with the deeper conceptual understanding of why, and this talk frame supported that discussion.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_Problem_Construct_AngelasIdea