

This activity was used in an Algebra 2 class. It was used at the beginning of the linear functions unit after students learned about slope. Students worked in small groups to determine the steepness of the given segments. The activity was designed with questions that were scaffolded in order to help students dig deeper into their mathematical reasoning. The lesson was also used as a way to get students familiar with showing their “evidence” and supporting their “evidence” with important math ideas, i.e. “warrants”

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_Worksheet_Construct_Steepness

PDF version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_Worksheet_Construct_Steepness


Algebra students are asked to use their knowledge of arithmetic and geometric sequences to critique two student answers. Students must identify and agree with a solution and construct an argument using sentence starters. The task then asks students to justify their selection using mathematical language and argumentation and supplies a checklist to remind students to provide a claim, evidence, and warrant.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_SSE_ArithmeticSequences_Worksheet_ConstructCritique

PDF version: 912Algebra_SSE_ArithmeticSequences_Worksheet_ConstructCritique


This activity was used in an Algebra 2 classroom. The objective was for students to demonstrate how to determine if linear functions are parallel or perpendicular. The activity was developed for students to work in groups in a hands-on way while using multiple representations (graphs, equations, tables of values) of linear functions. First, students have to find the slope of each linear function then match them as parallel or perpendicular. This activity also serves as a review of how to find the slope from a graph, an equation and a table of values. Students are then given two specific linear functions and asked to show why they are either parallel, perpendicular or neither. The final task if for students to write a mathematical argument in which they must use the definitions of parallel and perpendicular lines to support their claim using the work they have previously done as their evidence.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_IF_ParPerpLines_Worksheet_Construct_ParallelandPerpendicularMatchingActivity

PDF version: 912Algebra_IF_ParPerpLines_Worksheet_Construct_ParallelandPerpendicularMatchingActivity

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This task is designed for algebra students learning linear equations. Students are given a problem in which a girl bikes a certain amount of miles during her first week and her fifth week. Students must construct a response as to how many weeks it will take until the girl can bike a certain number of miles.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_1

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_1


This talk frame was created for algebra students developing skills with solving systems of equations. Students should be comfortable with the three different methods for solving systems before you use this talk frame in class. A system is presented and students are asked to decide which method to use (linear combination, substitution, or graphing). The talk frame suggests looking at each method individually and discussing what the process would be like. The goal of the task is for students to understand that any method may be used to solve systems of equations, but some methods may be more efficient.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan_1

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan_1


This task was designed for 9th-12th graders in Algebra 2, but could be used in Algebra 1. The task was used during the unit on inverses to show inverses with multiple representations and to clarify the idea of what an inverse function is. Students struggled with the algebraic representation of an inverse because of their algebraic skills. The task required them to defend, with an argument, which of the 3 claims were correct.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_IF_Functions_Worksheet_Construct_InversesTalkFrame

PDF version: 912Algebra_IF_Functions_Worksheet_Construct_InversesTalkFrame


This is a worksheet designed for algebra students. The worksheet provides a weight limit for a boat and asks a series of questions about how much can be brought on the boat, given the weight of different objects and people. Students must have knowledge about ratios, conversions, and linear expressions in order to solve the problems throughout the worksheet. There are multiple ways to go about solving these problems, and it can be easily extended for students that need more challenge or simplified for students in need of remediation.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet


This task is created for algebra students learning linear inequalities. A word problem and inequality derived from the problem are given, along with three sample solutions. The work helps to correct misconceptions on understanding what the inequality means, how to translate it into words, and how to change the inequality sign. Students are to critique each sample solution and provide a claim, evidence, and warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearInequalities_Worksheet_Critique

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearInequalities_Worksheet_Critique


This exit slip is created for algebra students to determine knowledge of linear inequalities. Through four problems, students are to write, solve, and graph each question. The problems address creating an inequality from a statement and increase in difficulty.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearInequalities_ExitSlip_ExitSlip

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearInequalities_ExitSlip_ExitSlip