

A template of the talk frame was used to plan a lesson for algebra students learning about composite functions. Students are given a problem in which they make a weekly salary, plus commission, two functions, and two possible function compositions to represent the commission. The Think section provides the question, along with two additional parts, and the Talk Idea section presents the possible realizations about the functions. Argumentation language is used through the construction of the student solution.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_CED_Functions_LessonPlan

PDF version: 912Algebra_CED_Functions_LessonPlan


This is a lesson plan designed around a word problem. A word problem provides two points that students must recognize as ordered pairs in a linear relationship and use this information to predict a future point in the relation. Students must be able to interpret the word problem and find slope from the two points. The lesson plan offers three different approaches to solving the problem. These can be used differently based on the level of students in a class. One recommendation is to group students and have each group solve the problem using a different approach and be able to explain to the class. You may also want students to use each approach themselves and determine how each may work best in different situations.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan


This talk frame was created for algebra students developing skills with solving systems of equations. Students should be comfortable with the three different methods for solving systems before you use this talk frame in class. A system is presented and students are asked to decide which method to use (linear combination, substitution, or graphing). The talk frame suggests looking at each method individually and discussing what the process would be like. The goal of the task is for students to understand that any method may be used to solve systems of equations, but some methods may be more efficient.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan_1

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan_1


A template of the talk frame was used to plan a lesson for algebra students learning about radical equations. Students are given two equations, one with a radical, and need to determine when they intersect and what methods were used by the sample responses. In the Think section, the teacher recorded possible ways the scenario could be reworded, methods used to solve the problem are discussed in the Talk Idea section, and the We Understand section addresses the realization that extraneous solutions need to be checked and how to find such solutions.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_RadicalEquations_LessonPlan_TalkFrameModel-ExtraneousSolutions

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_RadicalEquations_LessonPlan_TalkFrameModel-ExtraneousSolutions


This task is designed for algebra students studying exponential functions. Students are given two functions to compare and contrast through a discussion and a mystery function that can be deduced from four facts. Students can use argumentation language while determining the mystery function and while answering the final question, on which expression represents a larger value.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_LE_ExponentialFunctions_LessonPlan

PDF version: 912Algebra_LE_ExponentialFunctions_LessonPlan


A template of the talk frame was used to plan a lesson for algebra students learning about linear equations. The teacher recorded what he anticipated how students would reword the question in the Think section, what ideas they would contribute in the Talk Ideas section, and both their realization that the problem has multiple solutions and the valid mathematical ideas in the We Understand section. The mathematics focused on modeling with linear equations, creating linear equations from a word problem, and the break-even point. Specifically, students are given the fixed price and price per night of two dog kennels and must determine when the two will be equal.

Microsoft  Word version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_LessonPlan

PDF version: 912Algebra_CED_LinearFunctions_LessonPlan