
AllGrades_IntroductionToArgumentation_Lesson_JimmyAndThe Pizza

Jimmy and the Pizza is a lesson that is designed to introduce argumentation to a class. This lesson introduces the key parts of an argument: claim, evidence, and warrant. The lesson does not incorporate mathematical reasoning, but is aimed at having students use real world experiences to think about what makes a good argument.

Microsoft Word version: IntroductionToArgumentation_Lesson_JimmyAndThe-Pizza

PDF version: IntroductionToArgumentation_Lesson_JimmyAndThe-Pizza


A template of the talk frame is used to discover the meaning of a mathematical argument. The Think section holds a restated version of the question, the Talk Ideas section contains anticipated student responses and ideas, and the We Understand section clarifies what a mathematical argument entails. Students are asked to relate an argument they have with a peer to having a mathematical argument in order to determine the definition of a mathematical argument.

Microsoft Word version: IntroductionToArgumentation_TalkFrame

PDF version: IntroductionToArgumentation_TalkFrame


This worksheet is used to introduce mathematical argumentation to the class. Students are asked to think about real world arguments and consider what it would mean to create a mathematical argument. This may start a good discussion about what a mathematical argument is, and allow students to take ownership over the concept by having them supply the ideas about argumentation.

Microsoft Word version: IntroductionToArgumentation

PDF version: IntroductionToArgumentation