
Gr 2_NBT_PropertyOddEven_Problem_Critique

Second graders are given a number to determine if it is odd or even. Many begin to look at the first digit of the number to determine if it is odd or even. I have students use a tool, most will choose counters to see if they can divide the number evenly.

Microsoft Word version: 2_NBT_PropertyOddEven_Problem_Critique

PDF version: 2_NBT_PropertyOddEven_Problem_Critique

Gr 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_SallysWork

Second graders are asked to critique a student response. Students must add three quantities using knowledge of place holders and place values. The task involves hundreds, tens, and ones places and asks students to explain their thinking. Student explanation requires an understanding of place values and how to write numbers given place values.

Microsoft Word version: 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_SallysWork

PDF version: 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_SallysWork

Gr 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_LydiasIdea

This task was used with second graders to understand place value. Students are asked to critique Lydia’s Idea on writing a number in expanded form and explain their reasoning. Lydia’s Idea involves the hundreds, tens, and ones place values and the expanded number contains a 0 in the tens place.

Microsoft Word version: 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_LydiasIdea

PDF version: 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_LydiasIdea

Gr 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_BensThinking

This task is geared towards second graders. Students are asked to critique a comparison of two numbers using what they know about place value. Students are asked to explain how they compare the two numbers using content knowledge. The task addresses a common misconception in which students simply look at the left-hand digits and compare them rather than looking at place values of the digits.

Microsoft Word version: 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_BensThinking

PDF version: 2_NBT_PlaceValue_Problem_Critique_BensThinking