Ordering Decimals with Zero Digits is a family of tasks on decimals to help fifth graders understand if decimals with more zero digits are greater than those without zero digits. In the first example given, the zeros are in the hundredths and thousandths place values, and the decimals to be ordered have the same number in the tenths place. In the second example, the ones, tenths, and hundredths place values are the same, while the zeros lie in the thousandths and ten-thousandths place. Both examples provide multiple variations and extensions to enforce stronger critiques of the given responses and to contain argumentation language.
Microsoft Word version: 5_NBT_DecimalsOdering_FamilyOfTasks_Critique_OrderingDecimalsWithZeroDigits
PDF version: 5_NBT_DecimalsOdering_FamilyOfTasks_Critique_OrderingDecimalsWithZeroDigits