

A template of the talk frame was used to plan a geometry lesson on supplementary angles. The teacher recorded a paraphrased version of the question in the Think section, what ideas would be contributed in the Talk Ideas section, and the realization that linear pairs are formed at the intersection of two lines. Students are asked to name pairs of supplementary angles and construct an argument to convince another person that the claim in true.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_SuppAngles_LessonPlan_Construct

PDF version: 912Geometry_SuppAngles_LessonPlan_Construct


This task is designed for geometry students to display knowledge of the properties of different angles. Students must be able to recognize what makes angles both supplementary and complementary. Given a complex visual of multiple intersecting lines and a select few angle measures, students must determine which angles are supplementary and be able to contruct an argument as to why angles are supplementary.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_SuppAngles_Worksheet_Construct

PDF version: 912Geometry_SuppAngles_Worksheet_Construct