
This task was used in an Algebra 2 class. The concept was solving linear equations. The objective was for students to write a mathematical argument that demonstrates their understanding of solving linear equations. Students are presented with the work of two students. Students are to write a mathematical argument that includes a claim, warrants, evidence and appropriate use of mechanics.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique


This task is given to algebra students learning linear equations. Students are given a two-step equation to solve and a sample student’s solution. Argumentation language is used when asking students to explain the sample solution, create a claim, and provide evidence to defend their solution. Sentence starters are used to provoke the use the mathematical and argumentation language.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_5

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_5

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This task is designed for algebra students to critique two approaches to solving the same linear equation. The common error addressed here is the order in which a student might approach solving an equation. Students are prompted to construct an argument by stating a claim as to which solution he or she agrees with, explaining why that claim is made, and addressing what went wrong in the other solution.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_4

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_4


This task was used in an Algebra 2 class. The objective was for students to demonstrate how to solve a two step equation by critiquing the work of another person. Students need to explain the reasoning behind the work shown and determine if it is correct or not. Students then need to make any corrections to the person’s work and provide evidence to support their answers.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_3

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_3


This task was presented to students in an Algebra 2 class. The objectives were for students to solve a two step equation and critique the work of others using evidence to defend their answers. It was used at the beginning of the school year when we began to play with the idea of writing mathematical arguments.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_2

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_2

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This task was used in an Algebra 2 class. The objective was for students to demonstrated how to solve a two step equation by critiquing the work of another person. Students need to explain the reasoning behind the work shown and determine if it is correct or not. Students then need to make any corrections to the person’s work and provide evidence to support their answers.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_1

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_1


This is a lesson plan designed around a word problem. A word problem provides two points that students must recognize as ordered pairs in a linear relationship and use this information to predict a future point in the relation. Students must be able to interpret the word problem and find slope from the two points. The lesson plan offers three different approaches to solving the problem. These can be used differently based on the level of students in a class. One recommendation is to group students and have each group solve the problem using a different approach and be able to explain to the class. You may also want students to use each approach themselves and determine how each may work best in different situations.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan


This task is designed for algebra students learning linear equations. Students are given a problem in which a girl bikes a certain amount of miles during her first week and her fifth week. Students must construct a response as to how many weeks it will take until the girl can bike a certain number of miles.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_1

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet_1


This talk frame was created for algebra students developing skills with solving systems of equations. Students should be comfortable with the three different methods for solving systems before you use this talk frame in class. A system is presented and students are asked to decide which method to use (linear combination, substitution, or graphing). The talk frame suggests looking at each method individually and discussing what the process would be like. The goal of the task is for students to understand that any method may be used to solve systems of equations, but some methods may be more efficient.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan_1

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_LessonPlan_1


This is a worksheet designed for algebra students. The worksheet provides a weight limit for a boat and asks a series of questions about how much can be brought on the boat, given the weight of different objects and people. Students must have knowledge about ratios, conversions, and linear expressions in order to solve the problems throughout the worksheet. There are multiple ways to go about solving these problems, and it can be easily extended for students that need more challenge or simplified for students in need of remediation.

Microsoft Word version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet

PDF version: 912Algebra_REI_LinearEquations_Worksheet