Peer Feedback


This is a reflection sheet to aid in peer feedback and self-evaluation for any grade level. A table is provided, with focus areas and a range of times, from none of the time to all of the time. Students are to critique their own work and the work of their peers using the table.

Microsoft Word version: AllGrades_Checklist_PeerFeedback

PDF version: AllGrades_Checklist_PeerFeedback


The Peer Feedback Comment Organizer is a template created for classmates to have an organized way to critique arguments written by their peers. Students are asked prompting questions that encourage them to think critically about their peers’ arguments in the categories of the claim, the evidence, the warrant, and the mechanics of the argument.

Microsoft Word version: AllGrades_Checklist_PeerFeedbackCommentOrganizer

PDF version: AllGrades_Checklist_PeerFeedbackCommentOrganizer

Gr 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_PeerFeedback_Critique

This task was used with fifth graders to critique argumentation. We had been working on multiplying fractions, so students had a solid understanding of the concept. This task was developed to help students identify the parts of a good argument in order for them to give feedback to their peers. We focused on claim, basis of argument, evidence, reasoning and mechanics. This aligned with the rubric we used when scoring the arguments.

Microsoft Word version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_PeerFeedback_Critique

PDF version: 5_NF_FractionsMultiplication_PeerFeedback_Critique

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