

Casting Shadows is a task on similar triangles for geometry students. In the problem, one fourth grader knows his height and shadow length and wants to use similar triangles to determine another fourth grader’s height, when only knowing the shadow length. Students are to critique the proof given on the height of the other fourth grader and construct their own response, using a template, claim, evidence and warrants.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_SRT_SimilarTriangles_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_CastingShadows

PDF version: 912Geometry_SRT_SimilarTriangles_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_CastingShadows


Parallel Lines is a task developed for geometry students studying properties of parallel and perpendicular lines. Students must be able to construct perpendicular lines, given a set of guidelines, and determine if the lines drawn are parallel. Students must construct an argument by stating a claim and providing evidence and support. The task offers a template for students to create an argument by providing sentence starters for each piece of the argument.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_ParallelLines_Worksheet_Construct_ParallelLines

PDF version: 912Geometry_ParallelLines_Worksheet_Construct_ParallelLines


Vertical Angles is a task designed for geometry students learning about properties of angles and congruence. The task also works as a good exercise for students to critique arguments and determine what makes a good argument. The task looks specifically at two arguments that must prove why all vertical angles are congruent. Students must recognize that you need more than examples in order to prove a statement. Students are asked to contruct their own arguments after critiquing others.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_VertAngles_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_VerticalAngles

PDF version: 912Geometry_VertAngles_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_VerticalAngles

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This task is designed for geometry students to display knowledge of the properties of different angles. Students must be able to recognize what makes angles both supplementary and complementary. Given a complex visual of multiple intersecting lines and a select few angle measures, students must determine which angles are supplementary and be able to contruct an argument as to why angles are supplementary.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_SuppAngles_Worksheet_Construct

PDF version: 912Geometry_SuppAngles_Worksheet_Construct