Here you will find materials from the Summer 2016 implementation in a 5-day, 5-hour-per-day workshop model. Please note these materials were further revised and posted as Argumentation PD Modules, accompanied by a Facilitation Guide and word versions for editing. You may also wish to explore other pages on this site! There are many useful materials from 2014-2015 as well.
If you use these materials, please be kind enough to mention the source. Funding was provided through a Math-Science Partnership grant from the CT State Department of Education. The grant was led by UConn. The Lead Teachers for the Summer 2016 session were Cathy Mazzotta (Manchester HS), Michelle McKnight (Washington School, Manchester), Belinda Pérez (Bulkeley HS, Hartford), and Teresa Rodriguez (Washington School, Manchester). See Bridges Team page for more details.
Thanks for visiting!
Day 1: What is a mathematical argument?
PDF of binder materials: Day 1 What is Argumentation BINDER
Visit the Argumentation Resource Packet section of the website for the sets of student work related to the DJ problem and Is It 1/4?
ppt slides: C2.1.Mod1_Slides_What is Argumentation_POST
Day 2: Tasks that Support Mathematical Argumentation
PDF of binder materials: Day 2 Tasks to prompt BINDER
ppt slides: C2.2.Mod2_Slides_Tasks_POST
Be sure to visit the Task and Tool Repository, developed by the 2014-2015 cohort, that has over 200 tasks and tools they used in their classrooms to engage students in argumentation.
Day 3: Focus on Implementation: Norms and Routines to Prompt and Support Argumentation
PDF of binder materials: Day 3 Norms and Routines BINDER
ppt slides: C2.3.Mod 3_Slides_Norms Routines_POST
And here are the Talk Frame icons: TalkFrame_IconsBoard (ppt), Talk Frame Icons Board (.doc) and the tasks we used for our Team Teach activity: C2.3.14 Group Tasks for Talk Frame Mini Lesson
Day 4: Focus on Implementation: Classroom Discourse to Prompt and Support Argumentation
PDF of binder materials: Day 4 Discourse BINDER
ppt slides: C2.4 Mod 4_Slides_Discourse_POST
Day 5: Focus on Feedback/Feedforward
PDF of binder materials: Day 5 Feedforward BINDER and the 5 pieces of student work C2.5.5 Number Trick Student Work_SET OF 5 C1 June 2016
ppt slides: C2.5.Slides_Mod5_Final-R