

Critiquing Reasoning Problems is a task created for geometry students learning about corresponding angles. Students are given four problems and must either construct an argument or critique another’s reasoning with a claim and evidence. Vocabulary such as alternate-exterior angles, same-side exterior angles, and linear pair are used, alongside pictures and proofs to supplement the questions.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_CorrAngles_Warmup_ConstructCritique_CritiquingReasoningProblems

PDF version: 912Geometry_CorrAngles_Warmup_ConstructCritique_CritiquingReasoningProblems


Vertical Angles is a task designed for geometry students learning about properties of angles and congruence. The task also works as a good exercise for students to critique arguments and determine what makes a good argument. The task looks specifically at two arguments that must prove why all vertical angles are congruent. Students must recognize that you need more than examples in order to prove a statement. Students are asked to contruct their own arguments after critiquing others.

Microsoft Word version: 912Geometry_VertAngles_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_VerticalAngles

PDF version: 912Geometry_VertAngles_Worksheet_ConstructCritique_VerticalAngles

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